Personal Development > Eliminating Limiting Patterns.

Empower your future

Break Free from People-Pleasing, Step into Your Power.

Discover Practical Tools and Personalized Support to Build Confidence, Set Boundaries, and Live a Purposeful Life in 8 weeks.


The Empowered You

A Journey to Confidence, Boundaries, Purpose, and Resilience.

Is people-pleasing leaving you feeling unseen, overwhelmed, or emotionally exhausted?

If so, this program is for you.

Constantly prioritizing others’ needs over your own—whether at work, in relationships, or in daily interactions—can erode your sense of self and well-being. Over time, this pattern can leave you feeling disconnected from your true desires, lacking the confidence to express yourself, and struggling to set boundaries that protect your emotional health.

Ignoring these challenges can have profound, lasting effects. Without addressing the root causes of people-pleasing, you may find yourself trapped in cycles of stress, resentment, and burnout. The inability to assert your needs can hinder your personal growth and prevent you from living a life aligned with your values and purpose.

Fortunately, “The Empowered You” program offers a path to transformation. In this comprehensive journey, you will gain the tools, strategies, and emotional resilience needed to break free from the constraints of people-pleasing and step confidently into a life of empowerment.

We begin by helping you reclaim your voice, empowering you to express your thoughts, needs, and boundaries clearly and assertively. You’ll learn to overcome the fear of judgment, ensuring that your voice is heard and respected in every interaction.

Next, you’ll master the art of setting healthy boundaries that protect your time, energy, and well-being. With these boundaries in place, you’ll cultivate relationships that are balanced and fulfilling, where your needs are met with respect.

As you reconnect with your core values and passions, you’ll design a life that excites and fulfills you, aligning your daily actions with your true purpose. This renewed sense of direction will bring joy and meaning to every aspect of your life.

Finally, you’ll develop the emotional resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence. Whether facing stress, criticism, or conflict, you’ll maintain your inner peace and emerge stronger from every experience.

But this journey is not just about acquiring tools—it’s about creating lasting change. With personalized guidance and the support of a like-minded community, you’ll be empowered to reclaim your power and live a life of confidence, purpose, and resilience.

Who is this program for:

“The Empowered You” program is for anyone struggling with people-pleasing, seeking to reclaim their voice, establish healthy boundaries, and live a life aligned with their true purpose.


  • Are you constantly putting others’ needs before your own, leaving you feeling unseen, overwhelmed, or emotionally exhausted?
  • Do you find it difficult to express your thoughts and desires, fearing judgment or rejection, and often sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of others?
  • Have you lost touch with your true self, after years of living for the approval of others, unsure of what you truly want or who you really are?
  • Is it challenging for you to set and maintain boundaries, leaving you emotionally drained and unable to protect your own well-being?
  • Do you struggle with saying “no,” feeling guilty when you try to prioritize your own needs, leading to resentment and burnout?
  • Are you longing for deeper, more authentic relationships, but find yourself stuck in patterns of overgiving and underappreciation?

If any of this resonates with you, “The Empowered You” program is here to help you break free from the constraints of people-pleasing and step into a life of confidence, purpose, and resilience. Whether you’re just beginning to recognize these patterns or have been battling them for years, this program will provide the tools, support, and guidance you need to reclaim your power and create lasting change.

This 4-module journey offers you these six opportunities:

Each module offers you:

Course Content:

Every Module lasts two weeks.

Module: Confidence in Self Expression

Transform the way you communicate by unlocking your authentic voice. This module empowers you to confidently express your thoughts, desires, and boundaries without fear of judgment. You’ll break free from the constraints of people-pleasing and learn how to assert yourself in a way that demands respect and recognition.

Key Outcomes:
By mastering the art of clear, assertive communication, you’ll express your true self confidently and overcome the fear of speaking up. This newfound ability will enable you to influence and inspire others, while building stronger, more authentic relationships that reflect your needs and desires.

Build the emotional strength to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence. This module equips you with powerful tools to manage stress, handle criticism, and maintain inner peace even in the face of adversity. You’ll emerge with the resilience to stay centered and balanced, no matter what life throws your way.

Key Outcomes:
By learning techniques to manage stress and maintain emotional balance, you’ll develop the resilience needed to handle criticism and conflict without compromising your well-being. This inner strength will empower you to thrive in any situation, keeping you centered and balanced through life’s challenges.

Rediscover what truly drives you and design a life aligned with your deepest passions and values. This module guides you on a journey to reconnect with what brings you joy and meaning. You’ll create a clear, actionable plan to live a life that excites and fulfills you every day, leading to a profound sense of purpose.

Key Outcomes:
You will identify and reconnect with your core values and passions, allowing you to develop a personalized roadmap that aligns your daily life with your true purpose. This renewed alignment will bring you joy and fulfillment in everything you do, making each day a step toward a more meaningful life.

Take control of your life by learning how to set and maintain boundaries that protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being. This module teaches you to say “no” with confidence and without guilt, ensuring that your needs are prioritized in all aspects of your life. Experience the empowerment that comes from living with clarity and intention.

Key Outcomes:
Through this workshop, you’ll develop the skills to establish firm, healthy boundaries in both personal and professional relationships. By confidently saying “no” when necessary, you’ll protect your well-being and create balanced, fulfilling interactions where your needs are respected and valued.

The Power behind the Process:

This program is deeply rooted in three transformative therapeutic modalities: Transactional Analysis, Redecision, and Logosynthesis.

These approaches work together to help you break free from ingrained patterns, reconnect with your true self, and build a life aligned with your deepest desires.

By integrating these proven techniques, the program provides not only practical tools but also profound emotional, mental, and spiritual shifts, ensuring lasting change.


1-on-1 Support
You get access to one energy therapy session any time during the program to support you in your process. You may also access further sessions at a 50% discount of the regular fee.


  • Have an open mind and the will to try out new things

Program Details

Our sessions take place on Thursdays: September 26; October 10 and 24; and November 7, These sessions take place from 15h to 17h Universal time.
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Alan Rojas Yacolca

Energy Therapist & Resilience Master Coach

Hello, I’m Alan Rojas Yacolca. For over 20 years, I’ve dedicated my life to helping highly sensitive individuals—who often struggle with perfectionism and people-pleasing—find their way back to their true selves. As an emotional resilience coach, energy therapist, trainer, and group facilitator, I specialize in guiding people to let go of past burdens and create a future that aligns with their deepest desires.

My journey has led me to train and certify in various therapeutic modalities, including Transactional Analysis, NLP, Redecision, and Logosynthesis. This diverse background allows me to take a holistic approach to healing and personal growth.

I’m proud to serve on the Board of Trustees of the Logosynthesis International Association, where I help advance this transformative practice worldwide.

At the Andes Institute, which I founded, we empower change-makers through advanced energy healing training. We blend spirituality with science to support profound, compassionate transformations.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery. Together, we’ll peel away the layers holding you back and open the door to a life full of possibilities. It’s time to live life on your terms.

The Empowered You

8-week program
$ 250
  • Only 5 seats left