Attention: Therapists, Coaches, and Health Practitioners.

Master Class – Self Expression & Boundaries.

Say No Confidently.

From Invisible to Invincible:
Discover actionable strategies to overcome people-pleasing and reclaim your voice.

Feeling overwhelmed by the struggle to say "no" and set boundaries?

This one-hour Master Class is designed for you.

Struggling to assert yourself can leave you feeling emotionally drained and unsure of how to stand up for your own needs. If left unaddressed, these challenges can contribute to ongoing stress, hinder your personal growth, and impact your professional and personal relationships.

Ignoring these issues can result in continued feelings of guilt, fear of rejection, and diminished confidence in expressing your true desires. Without the right tools, you might find it difficult to shift from people-pleasing behaviors to a more assertive and fulfilling approach to communication.

Fortunately, the “Say No, Confidently” Master Class offers a practical and focused solution. In this one-hour event, you will begin by identifying the top two blockages that prevent you from confidently saying “no” and setting boundaries. Through targeted strategies and interactive exercises, you’ll start to address these barriers and enhance your assertiveness skills.

You will explore how these blockages impact your self-expression, learn techniques to overcome them, and engage in live coaching to apply these strategies in real-life scenarios. This class will provide immediate, actionable insights to help you diminish any people-pleasing tendencies so that you reclaim your voice with greater confidence.

Join us to gain the essential tools and start transforming your approach to assertiveness, setting the stage for more effective communication and personal empowerment.

Who is 'Say No, Confidently' for:

This Master Class is designed for guided change (therapists, counsellors, coaches) and health professionals who are ready to overcome people-pleasing tendencies and confidently assert their needs and boundaries.

  • Are you struggling to assert yourself and often find it difficult to say “no,” even when it’s crucial for your well-being?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by guilt or fear of rejection when trying to set boundaries in your professional or personal life?
  • Have years of prioritizing others’ needs left you feeling invisible and unsure of how to advocate for your own desires?
  • Are you aware that your people-pleasing behaviors are impacting your job satisfaction and personal relationships, but you’re unsure how to change?
  • Do you want to learn practical strategies to start expressing your needs and setting clear boundaries, but don’t know where to begin?

If these challenges sound familiar, the “Say No, Confidently” Master Class will guide you through identifying and addressing your blockages to assertiveness. With focused training, practical exercises, and live coaching, you’ll gain the confidence and tools needed to start reclaiming your voice and diminishing your people-pleasing tendencies. This course is here to support you in stepping into your power and expressing yourself authentically.

The 'Say No, Confidently' Master Class aims at four learning outcomes:

Identify Top Blockages
Discover and recognize the primary internal and external factors that inhibit your confidence in asserting yourself.
Address and Eliminate Blockages:
Implement targeted strategies to overcome these blockages, enhancing your ability to say "no" and set boundaries.
Increase Assertiveness
Develop a more confident approach to asserting your needs and boundaries in both professional and personal settings.
Diminish People-Pleasing Tendencies
Begin the process of reducing people-pleasing behaviors through practical exercises and insights gained during the session.
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The 'Say No, Confidently' Master Class offers you:

Essential Insights, via Case Study

We will review a detailed case study that illustrates the symptoms and consequences of struggling to say “no.” This real-life example will highlight common patterns, challenges, and the impact on personal and professional life, providing a tangible understanding of the issue at hand.

We shall explore the internal dynamics that contribute to difficulties in saying “no.” This section delves into the two main blockages and explains their root causes. Understanding these processes will clarify how they manifest and affect assertiveness.

We will engage in a guided exploration exercise to connect the general dynamics to personal experiences. Participants will examine their own struggles with saying “no,” identifying specific troubles and underlying causes unique to their situations. This exploration aims to provide deeper insights into their individual challenges.

Next, you will participate in a live group coaching session to address and eliminate identified blockages. This interactive segment includes real-time coaching, and a debriefing period where participants can ask questions and receive tailored guidance, enhancing their self support skills.

Last, you will have access a curated set of self-help resources designed to support your ongoing personal development. These tools and materials offer a clear strategy for managing blockages and increasing confidence beyond the course, ensuring participants can continue their growth independently.

The Power behind Say No, Confidently:

This transformative experience is deeply rooted in three therapeutic modalities: Transactional Analysis, Redecision, and Logosynthesis.

These approaches work together to help you break free from ingrained patterns, reconnect with your true self, and build a life aligned with your deepest desires.

By integrating these proven techniques, this learning experience provides not only practical tools but also profound emotional, mental, and spiritual shifts, ensuring lasting change.

Requirements to attend this Master Class:

  • Have an open mind and the will to try out new things

Program Details:

This online master class takes place on October 5, 2024.

  • 10h to 11h15, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia
  • 11h to 12h15, New York
  • 12h to 13h15, Brasil
  • 15h to 16h15, Universal Time / GMT.
  • 16h to 17h15, London
  • 17h to 18h15, Central Europe

Please find your local time at



Alan Rojas Yacolca

Energy Therapist & Resilience Master Coach

Hello, I’m Alan Rojas Yacolca. For over 20 years, I’ve dedicated my life to helping highly sensitive individuals—who often struggle with perfectionism and people-pleasing—find their way back to their true selves. As an emotional resilience coach, energy therapist, trainer, and group facilitator, I specialize in guiding people to let go of past burdens and create a future that aligns with their deepest desires.

My journey has led me to train and certify in various therapeutic modalities, including Transactional Analysis, NLP, Redecision, and Logosynthesis. This diverse background allows me to take a holistic approach to healing and personal growth.

I’m proud to serve on the Board of Trustees of the Logosynthesis International Association, where I help advance this transformative practice worldwide.

At the Andes Institute, which I founded, we empower change-makers through advanced energy healing training. We blend spirituality with science to support profound, compassionate transformations.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery. Together, we’ll peel away the layers holding you back and open the door to a life full of possibilities. It’s time to live life on your terms.

Register now to Reclaim your Voice:

Say No, Confidently

Live Master Class - 75 minutes
  • October 5, 2024
  • If you cannot attend, register to receive the recording